We have products that will help you maintain your health & a healthy smile!

Stop in and shop today.

All of the products we offer are available in our office. You're welcome to stop in any time during our regular hours, or shop when you're here for your dental, facial esthetics or sleep medicine appointment.

Online Shopping – Coming in 2025!

We have a line of popular dental care products as well as neck & shoulder relaxers. 

face reality® Skin Care Products 
​COMING SOON To RejuveNaj!

For more information about any of our products' details, availabilty or price, we welcome you to contact us. You may either call our office or fill out and submit this form.


Monday: 11AM - 5PM
Tuesday: 8AM - 2PM
Wednesday: 11AM - 7PM
Thursday: 8AM - 6PM
​​Friday: 8AM - 1PM​
