Sleep & Breathing Wellness

SMILE Better.
LOOK Better.
SLEEP Better.

  • Non-Invasive Sleep Apnea Treatment
  • QuietNite Laser Treatments
  • BIO-PRF Treatment – Arete® Coming Spring 2025
  • DNA Appliance – Discrete Face & Jaw Correction 
  • Teeth Grinding, Bruxism, TMJ

 Explore Our Dental Sleep Medicine Services Below 

Buckeye Center For Dental Sleep Medicine

"I had sleep apnea for years and had to use a CPAP machine to sleep. With Dr. Nagy's treatments, I haven't had to use the CPAP for nearly a year! It changed my life, it will change yours. I highly recommend it."
– Steve

Medical Problem, Dental Solution 

The Buckeye Center For Dental Sleep Medicine provides the highest quality of dental sleep care
to our patients. We treat the root cause of sleep & breathing disorders using state of the art technology for children and adults.

We care deeply about out patients' long-term health. Without question, we are committed to providing the care and services necessary to ensure that each patient is treated appropriately.
Dr. Nagy uses the latest in dental sleep medicine technology. His practice offers the highest standard of alternative treatments that focus on comprehensive breathing wellness.

We treat the root cause of sleep
& breathing disorders.

1/ Non-surgical, Non-pharmaceutical

We use a non-surgical treatment with a non-pharmaceutical approach for obstructive sleep apnea, which can include oral appliance treatment and is most common with high success rates.  

2/ Sleep-Disordered Breathing (SDB)

Sleep-Disordered Breathing (SDB) in children is common. The impact of SBD on your child's growth and development may have detrimental effects their health, neuropsychological development, quality of life and economic potential. SBD in children should be recognized as a public health problem as it is in adults.

3/ Oral Appliance Therapy

Oral Appliance Therapy is an effective treatment option for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). A custom-fit oral appliance can improve your sleep, restore your alertness, open our airway and revitalize your health.

No Surgeries!
No Drugs!
No Injections!

Our Options Successfully Treat Sleep Apnea

More than eighteen million Americans suffer from sleep apnea. The negative health consequences caused by sleep apnea range in severity and include: 

  • Cardio-Vascular disease
  • Stroke
  • Heart Attack
  • Hypertension
  • Daytime Sleepiness
  • Depression
  • GERD
  • Impotence

The most common treatment options, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) and traditional dental appliances do not cure sleep apnea. These treatments simply control the symptoms by keeping your airway open. If you suffer from sleep apnea, it can mean a lifetime of having to "gear up" for bed every night.

QuietNite Laser Therapy

QuietNite Laser Therapy provides all the great medicinal benefits of CO2 energy while quickly improving your quality of sleep in as little as ten minutes. This treatment is ideal for patients who wish to:

  • Improve energy, mental clarity and focus with a better night’s rest
  • Improve sleep disorders
  • Improve a compromised airway

Why do we snore?

Snoring is a very common and often overlooked issue in many adults today. Two of the most common reasons for snoring are reduced elasticity of the soft palate due to age, and reduced overall volume of the throat due to weight gain.

When it comes to relieving patients of snoring, QuietNite is best for the job. Laser therapy is also a great tool used in conjunction with other sleep aids and appliances prescribed by your doctor to give you a better night’s rest.

Treatment for the Soft Palate Region

With the QuietNite Laser Therapy, treating the soft palate, tonsils, and tongue is quick and painless for the patient. During treatment, the laser energy will stimulate collagen and help tighten the areas treated. This quick, painless procedure decontaminates the area while sealing nerve endings leading to no pain, no side effects, and no bleeding. Patients can immediately drink, eat and resume normal activities. An average of one or two procedures spaced 30 days apart annually is all that is needed to see results for most patients.

QuietNite Laser Therapy provides our patients with
a pleasant, safe and effective treatment experience.

QuietNite Laser Therapy 

How long do QuietNite Laser Therapy results last?

Ease of use for the treatment means that QuietNite Laser Therapy can be used quickly and frequently. For patients commonly experiencing snoring symptoms, treatment from QuietNite Laser Therapy can be used annually, even during regular cleanings and hygiene visits.

QuietNite Laser Therapy Benefits:

  • No downtime and no bleeding
  • Results in as little as five days
  • Quality of life improves

Use Your Own Body's Powerful Healing Proteins To Treat Your Sleep Issues

BIO-PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin)

Platelet-Rich Fibrin or PRF is a technology that uses your own body’s natural and powerful healing proteins and concentrated growth factors to rejuvenate skin, treat hair loss, and speed up recovery. With a simple blood draw, a high concentration of natural growth factors in your blood can be collected and used for a number of applications, including dental sleep medicine treatments.

  • Simple & Effective
  • Safe, Easy and Convenient
  • 100% Natural – Chemical Free
  • Holistic – Entirely Centered Around Your Body's Regenerative Properties

Arete® Our New PRF Sleep Treatment Is Coming Spring 2025!

Contact Us For More Information – 440.937.8878

DNA Appliances

Discrete Face & Jaw Correction

The DNA Appliance is ideal for both adults and children. It is comfortable, painless and is only worn in the evenings and as while you sleep at night.

Unlike other dental appliances that simply move your jaw forward to force the airway open, the DNA appliance works to permanently optimize the underlying structure of your airway. 

​Your mouth is one of the most dynamic aspects of your face. Research has shown that its form impacts your ability to breathe. As you grow, the genes that control the formation of your mouth are programmed to create an arch that is 38-42mm wide between your right and left molars.

​Inheritance and environmental factors impact the expression of these genes and can result in diminished airflow and increased susceptibility to Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).

​The misconception that corrections to the arch or skull can only be made in children has been proven false. Not only is the airway enhanced by bringing the mouth closer to its ideal form, but improvements in general to your facial structure are also possible.

​The DNA Appliance harnesses your natural development mechanisms to correct tooth alignment, improve facial development and open the upper airway. Most importantly, this approach addresses the root causes and is proven to reduce snoring and sleep apnea. 

Teeth Grinding | Bruxism | TMJ

Depending on the severity of your Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) causing these conditions, we'll select the appropriate treatment option to help you get the relief your want!

  • BRUXISM is a sleep-related movement disorder that involves rhythmic contractions of the jaw muscles. It is a condition where a person clenches, grinds or gnashes their teeth while sleeping.
  • TEETH GRINDING is your brain's way of moving the jaw forward to the airway so you can breathe. Most people who grind their teeth do so at night while they sleep. Many times this is directly related to having Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). 
  • TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) disorders are a group of conditions that affect the jaw muscles and joints, many times caused by teeth grinding and Bruxism.

Call Us Today To Set Up Your Appointment: 440.937.8878