PRF As A Natural Approach
To Acne Treatment

An Authorized CARE® ESTHETICS Center

Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) is a technology that uses your body's own naturral and powerful healing proteins and concentrated growth factores found within blood to rejuvenate skin, cartilage, bone and various other tissues in the body.


Treating Acne and Acne Scars

Acne removal and acne scar removal are the second most commonly performed procedures within our clinics. Studies have shown that approximately 80% of the population suffers from acne at some point during their lives.

Acne may come in different forms and and severity levels, in skin types of different ages and ethnicities. Oftentimes, it results in scar formation, pits, or changes in skin texture.

​Fortunately, several options exist at CARE Esthetics to help eliminate acne and acne scars. Utilizing entirely natural approaches, we help patients have clearer, smoother, beautiful skin.

Treatments for acne and acne scars:

  • The number 1 choice of therapy: PRF
    (using leukocytes or white blood cells to help fight active infections)
  • Laser therapy
  • Bio-fillers and synthetic fillers (for deeper acne scars)

Before & After PRF Natural Acne Treatments

This patient was reluctant to leave the house due to her facial texture and severe acne. She tried several other therapies which did not succeed. By activating her body's own defense system with PRF Natural Acne Treatments, she was able to rid her severe acne with only three (3) short 20 minute treatments.


Simple. Effective. 100% Natural.

  • Encourages a natural approach to treating acne
  • Infiltrates acne pores with PRF
  • Minimally invasive
  • No drugs
  • No chemicals or additives

Call RejuveNaj today to schedule your Natural Acne treatment: 440.937.8878