Be Beautiful & Feel Beautiful
with Less Noticeable Lines

While our primary treatment philosophy at CARE Esthetics favors natural regenerative approaches, we want our patients to have options where they feel most comfortable.
For this reason, we also offer Botox treatments and other standard skin rejuvenation therapies in our offices throughout the United States.

An Authorized CARE® ESTHETICS Center

BOTOX Cosmetic Treatment

Botox treatment is known for being an effective skin rejuvenation procedure. At CARE Esthetics, we often combine Botox with Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF), microneedling, and laser therapy to further enhance its anti-aging effects in the long run.

​During your initial complimentary consultation, we will assess muscle activity in various treatment sites to determine the procedure’s maximum potential benefits.


Botulinum toxin or Botox is a popular cosmetic product used to diminish signs of skin aging. It is a substance that blocks specific nerve signals and paralyzes facial muscles to prevent contraction, thus reducing wrinkles and fine lines. Botox treatment can significantly reverse skin aging when received regularly.

Over the years, the uses of Botox have drastically increased owing to its affordability and convenience, with little to no downtime required post-treatment.

Benefits of BOTOX Treatment

Botox is an ideal treatment for people who want to have naturally younger-looking skin.

Here are the benefits you will experience from our BOTOX Treatment:

  • Lessens the appearance of existing wrinkles
  • Prevents the formation of new wrinkles and fine lines
  • Creates a softer, relaxed appearance
  • Leaves the face smoother and glowing

Before                                                 After 

Call RejuveNaj today to schedule your BOTOX treatment: 440.937.8878