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We Help You Be The Best You!

A Healthy Smile Is Always In Style

Achieve optimal health with our dental, facial esthetics and sleep medicine services.





Patient Success Stories

"This was my first time here at Nagy Family Dental Group. I've been to 3-4 other dentists in the area over the years, but this has been a wonderful experience in every way! This is truly one-stop dental shopping–starting from when you're a child. I encourage others to come on over to Nagy Family Dental for a wonderful experience!"
– Walter

"I'm thrilled with the services I got from RejuveNaj! I was searching for some minimally invasive services to improve my appearance–to put my best face forward. Everyone wants a little pick-me-up in their appearance. I'm truly thrilled with my results! I highly recommend RejuveNaj...they're the best for your facial esthetics!"
– Mary Ann

"I came in as a new patient with a fear of feeling pain. It's always been hard to deaden me for procedures. Dr. Nagy assured me he had a technique that would work. He was right–I felt no pain, didn't even feel the needles! I'm very pleased and highly recommend you choose Nagy Family Dental Group for all your dental care!"
​– Daniel

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Our TEAM is Dedicated to Serving You! 

We're committed to your full satisfaction with each visit. From when we first greet you, to your dental, esthetics or sleep procedure, to when we say good-bye––our goal is to put a smile on your face! Get to know us. We're here to serve you.